Is there an expert in the house?

Well, that depends on how big your ‘house’ is?

In this day and age, we have an incredible ability to reach out and connect to people who are considered experts in their field of study.

This morning, your task is to leave a comment on this blog that shares the following 3 or 4 things:

1. What is your inquiry question that you are currently working on?
2. Do some research and find out at least 1, but hopefully a few, ‘experts’ that you think could help you learn more about your topic. Try to find people that you think you might be able to contact. *Think about tools you can use to contact this person: email, twitter, Facebook, friend-of-a-friend, asking parents, asking teachers…
3. Will you make an effort to contact this person or these people? Why or why not?
4. If you have a link to some information about your inquiry that you can share (a blog post for example), please share that as well.

How to…

Create an instructional or ‘How To’ video. It can be as simple as ‘How to tie a shoe lace’ or ‘How to embed a video into a blog’.

Here are some videos that are instructional in different ways:

Also check out the Common Craft videos.

This is meant to be a QUICK video (Maximum 2 minutes!)


1a. Function – Does the video fill a need?

■ Clear organization that meets the target audience’s need. (After watching the video, someone will know exactly what they need to do.)

1b. Function – Is the video effective?
■ Instructions are well paced, being both detailed and yet still succinct. (Over-explaining is boring, under-explaining is frustrating, the video has found a good balance of the two.)

2a. Form – Visual
■ Video tells a story, (it follows a logical path, things ‘make sense’ in the order they appear). Effective use of titles (clear fonts, proper spelling and capitalization, not too simple but not too wordy), and transitions (they compliment rather than distract from the video).

2b. Form – Audio

■ Sound – Music (if used) is not copyrighted. Voice-overs (if used) or live sound is appropriate, clear and meaningful. Sound effects (if used) compliment and do not distract).


Adding a ClustrMap to your blog Sidebar

ClustrMaps are little maps that show you where in the world visitors to your blog have come from.

When you click on your map, it goes to a page that shows you your map in more detail.

This page also gives you details about countries, states and provinces visitors came from:


Here are the instructions to get a map onto your blog.

First, go to your Dashboard…

Then follow these instructions.


Then you will get an email, (but you don’t really need to do anything with it.)

Your map will show up on your blog, and all your pages too!

Go to your blog to take a look at your map:

You are done. Start collecting dots! 🙂